Chapter Two: Undergraduate Academic Standards and Guidelines
This section provides a general guide for academic standards, guidelines, and resources. For program information, degree requirements, and policies in specific degree programs, the University of Bridgeport catalog must be consulted (particularly for students in graduate programs; certain programs such as the Chiropractic and Naturopathic Colleges have other student handbooks which contain additional requirements). For other policies and procedures and for additional information, please consult your College Dean or the Provost’s office.
An academic grievance is a complaint by a student specifically related to a grade, alleging arbitrary and capricious grading, which is defined as:
The assignment of a grade in a course or assignment to a student on some basis other than performance in the course, or the assignment of a course grade to a student by resorting to unreasonable standards different from those which were applied by the same instructor to other students in that course, or the assignment of a course grade by a substantial, unreasonable and unannounced departure from the instructor’s previously articulated standards.
Any student who wishes to file a formal grievance seeking review of an academic decision or matter, e.g. grade, instructional practice, may utilize the procedure below. This grievance procedure does not apply to non-academic or disciplinary matters, academic dishonesty, athletics, disability accommodations, or issues arising under Title IX, which are subject to review under other University procedures. Any student who has been disciplined under the Academic Dishonesty Disciplinary Procedure (see above) for a related issue cannot invoke this grievance procedure.
Students are encouraged to address any concern which may arise informally with appropriate professors, program directors or academic deans, or advisors and to attempt to resolve the matter prior to submitting a formal grievance.
First step: The student may submit a written grievance no later than seven (7) days after the date that the academic decision or action complained of occurred. The written grievance, which should be submitted to the academic director of the appropriate school, should describe the relevant background, the decision or action which the student seeks to have reviewed, the student’s previous attempts to resolve the matter, and the relief the student is seeking. The Director or their designee shall then consult with the college Dean. If the academic dean or program director was the decision maker with regard to the matter which the student seeks to have reviewed, then the grievance may be submitted directly to the Office of the Provost.
In considering the grievance, the academic dean or program director may request additional information from the complaining student, as well as from a faculty member or other person who may have relevant information. The academic dean, program director, or their designee will notify the student in writing of their decision (the “Decision”) within seven (7) days following receipt of the grievance or conclusion of investigation (whichever is later).
Second step: In the event that the student is not satisfied with the Decision at step 1, then the student may submit a written appeal within seven (7) days of receipt of the Decision to the Office of the Provost. The appeal must contain: a copy of the original grievance and any documents filed in support thereof, the Decision, and a statement outlining the reasons for the appeal and relief sought. The Provost may review and decide the appeal, or designate an associate or assistant Provost to review and decide the appeal. Upon considering the appeal, the Provost or their designee will notify the student in writing of their decision and the grounds therefore within seven (7) days following receipt of the appeal or conclusion of investigation (whichever is later). The Office of the Provost’s decision is final.
Students demonstrating integrity and scholastic excellence may be elected to one of the honor societies at University of Bridgeport. Please refer to the University of Bridgeport catalog under “Academic Regulations and Procedures” for more specific information on academic honors and graduation honors.
University of Bridgeport is committed to fostering an environment of academic integrity, mutual respect and individual responsibility. We are a community that values the voice of students in their pursuit of academic excellence and personal growth. By choosing to be a member of this community, each student demonstrates respect for the core values of trust, honesty and ethical behavior and commits to upholding these standards. These principles guide conduct both in and out of the classroom and on and off campus. This applies to interactions with all members of the community as well as the use of university resources and facilities.
A high standard of ethical conduct is expected of students in their academic activities. The University does not tolerate cheating in any form. This term, as defined below, is used to include dishonest use of another individual’s aid in preparation of written, oral, and artistic assignments, as well as during a classroom testing period. All students must be familiar with those regulations. Disciplinary action will be imposed for any form of detected cheating or plagiarism, regardless of the student’s motive or intention.
Definition of Cheating
The term “cheating” includes, but is not limited to: 1) use of any unauthorized assistance in taking quizzes, tests, examinations, assignments, papers, or reports; 2) use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; 3) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff; 4) the acquisition, with or without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to other student who is taking or has completed the course in question; 5) engaging in any behavior specifically prohibited by a faculty member in the course syllabus or class discussion; 6) collaborating with other student(s) when not expressly permitted by a professor (if the professor does not expressly indicate that collaboration is allowed, then none is permitted); 7) copying or transmitting answers, questions, or parts of tests to other students by use of electronic or other means (calculator, mobile phone, tablet, camera, etc.); or 8) engaging in plagiarism, as defined below.
Definition of Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the intentional or unintentional failure to acknowledge sources, or the use of commercially available so-called “research papers” or other aids without full recognition of the source. Students are responsible for distinguishing clearly between their own facts, ideas, and conclusions and those of other sources. To use someone else’s words, opinions, or conclusions without giving them credit is plagiarism. Plagiarism also includes “self-plagiarism,” wherein a student submits the same work to multiple classes without instructor approval. Examples include, without limitation: using information or ideas from a source without properly crediting it; copying any portion of another’s work (student, faculty, book, article, journal, internet, etc.) without crediting the author; or submitting an assignment that the student in question wrote during another class, previous or current. Always check with the professor(s) for the appropriate guidelines that should be followed.
It is the responsibility of all students to be aware of their academic standing, and to comply with all requirements set by their college or school. For concerns and academic questions, consult the assigned academic advisor. Please refer to the University of Bridgeport catalog under “Academic Regulations and Procedures” for additional information on academic standing, policies, and procedures.
Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Each instructor may specify in their class outline at the beginning of the semester to what extent attendance will be taken into account when grades are calculated. Please refer to the University of Bridgeport catalog under “Academic Regulations and Procedures” for additional information. Students must establish attendance prior to the census date listed on the academic calendar.
IT support
The Helpdesk provides technical IT-related support to students, staff, and faculty. Our Helpdesk is run by UB students, who are trained in University-supported operating systems, browsers, and software, as well as for problems with the UBNet account, Canvas, wifi, and other technology on campus. Academic and Campus Technology Services also provides audiovisual support to student activities and the classrooms.
Please visit or the portal for the helpdesk location, walk up hours, email address, and phone number, along with Online Services and Self-Help Guides. Have a school ID number ready or the case number if this is a previously opened support case. The Helpdesk is located on the first floor of the Wahlstrom library, in the back behind the Discovery Pavilion.
General computer areas are located on the 1st and 3rd floors of Wahlstrom library, and Knights’ End on the lower level of the John J. Cox Student Center. Hours for each area vary, so please check with staff for the most current operating hours.
A full-time undergraduate course load is between 12 and 18 credit hours per semester. Undergraduate students registering for more than 18 credit hours per semester require the approval of their academic dean and will incur additional tuition charges. Students must consult their academic advisor about course selection and registration forms must be signed by both the student and the academic advisor prior to processing by the Registrar. On-line registration is available for continuing students via Student Planning. Approval must be granted by their academic advisor. Students should refer to the online academic calendar for time limitations for registering or withdrawing from courses.
University of Bridgeport recognizes that undergraduate students may have acquired college level learning through a variety of non-credit sources and that credit toward a degree may legitimately be granted if the learning is verifiable. The process whereby a student may acquire academic credit for experiential learning is the Credit for Prior Learning program. Please refer to the University of Bridgeport catalog for additional information under “Academic Regulations and Procedures.”
The disciplinary process for alleged violations of the academic integrity policy (i.e., cheating or plagiarism) will be imposed in accordance with the procedures set forth below.
Process for Alleged Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy
The Faculty Member’s Decision: When a faculty member believes that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty (i.e. cheating or plagiarism) as defined above (the “Violation”), the faculty member shall notify the student of the alleged Violation. The student will not be permitted to withdraw from the course until there is a final decision regarding the alleged Violation. The faculty member shall meet with the student to discuss the alleged Violation. If it’s not practicable to meet in person, the faculty member may conduct the meeting via telephone. After considering any matters the student wishes to present and reviewing all pertinent facts, the faculty member will determine whether or not the student is responsible for the alleged Violation and shall notify the student in writing of their decision. This notification will also be sent to the Program Director of the school or program, the Academic Dean, and the Associate Provost. Upon receipt of this notification, the Associate Provost will notify all parties regarding the appropriate sanction, depending on whether first or repeated Violation (see Discipline for Academic Dishonesty, above). At this point, the student has the opportunity to appeal the decision within 10 days to the Academic Program Director of the school or program which offers the course where the alleged violation occurred.
Appeal to the Program Director: To appeal a sanction of academic dishonesty, the student must submit a request in writing to the Program Director. This appeal must include a narrative of relevant facts and any other pertinent information. Upon receipt of the appeal, the Program Director or their designee will meet with the student and the faculty member and investigate or review all pertinent facts. The Program Director or their designee shall then consult with the college Dean and prepare a decision summarizing their factual conclusions within seven (7) days of receiving notice of the student’s appeal and stating whether or not the student is responsible for the alleged Violation, which shall be promptly sent to the student, faculty member, and Associate Provost. If the student is determined to be responsible for the alleged Violation, then the student shall also be notified of their right to appeal within seven (7) days to the CAI on the following grounds: i) the decision is contrary to or unsupported by the facts; ii) new relevant information has been discovered which was not previously considered; or iii) the University’s Academic Integrity policy and procedures were not followed.
Appeal to the Committee on Academic Integrity (CAI): If the student notifies the Academic Dean, Program Director or their designee within seven (7) days that they desire to appeal to the CAI, the Academic Dean, Program Director or their designee shall forward the appeal to the Dean of Students, as Committee Chair of the CAI. The student’s written appeal to the CAI must specifically state the grounds for appeal, as set forth above. The Dean of Students (or designee) will review the appeal and all applicable materials to determine the merit of the appeal. If the appeal is granted, the Dean of Students (or designee) shall promptly convene three CAI members (the “CAI Panel”) to hear the appeal. At the hearing, the student, faculty member, and Academic Dean, Program Director or their designee shall be afforded an opportunity to present testimony or documents. The hearing is not subject to rules governing a legal proceeding and neither the student or others attending shall be entitled to legal representation at the hearing. Within seven (7) days of the hearing, the CAI Panel shall issue a written decision (the “CAI Decision”) to the Committee Chair, who will promptly provide a copy to the student, faculty member, and Associate Provost. The CAI decision on the appeal shall be final.
If a student is found in violation, the following sanctions will be imposed:
For all undergraduate programs
- First Violation: An “F” in an examination or assignment on which the student committed the act of dishonesty.
- Second Violation: An “F” in the course in which the student committed the act of dishonesty.
- Third Violation: An “F” in the course in which the student committed the act of dishonesty and dismissal from the University for no less than one year.
For all graduate programs
- First Violation: An “F” in an examination or assignment in which the student committed the act of dishonesty.
- Second Violation: An “F” in an examination or course in which the student committed the act of dishonesty and dismissal from the University for no less than one year.
The number of violations accrues to each student during total time as a University of Bridgeport student at any level.
Consent to plagiarism screening
Students are expected to be familiar with and to comply with the University’s policies prohibiting plagiarism as set forth above. Some courses utilize electronic screening to detect plagiarism. These plagiarism screening programs analyze the extent to which students’ submitted assignments constitute original content and compare students’ submissions to an extensive network of web pages, articles, and other student work in their databases. Using these resources, these programs produce originality reports which categorize submission content, determining what percentage of each assignment matches text found in their databases.
By enrolling in course(s), students consent to the above-described plagiarism screening programs and may also be required to approve specific terms and conditions of use when submitting an assignment. Students also consent to retention of their submission to plagiarism screening platforms, but retain full copyright of their submission.
Committee on Academic Integrity (CAI)
The Committee on Academic Integrity hears and decides the final appeal of violations of academic integrity. The CAI consists of four faculty members and two administrators, each of whom serve two year terms. The Provost, in conjunction with the Faculty Council, appoints/re-appoints CAI members upon the expiration of member terms. The Dean of Students serves as Committee Chair.
For each hearing, the Committee Chair shall convene a panel of three CAI members, consisting of at least one faculty member and one administrator. Faculty members and/or administrators affiliated with the hearing parties — including without limitation to the student, faculty member, or department in which the alleged academic dishonesty occurred — cannot serve on that particular panel.
Students should consult with their academic advisor one semester prior to their graduation date so that a Graduation Checklist can be completed. This consultation enables the advisor to check the student’s records for discrepancies and allows some time during the final semester to resolve any problems that might appear. The fulfillment of graduation requirements is the student’s responsibility.
The Commencement Participation form must be submitted by the designated deadline; refer to the Commencement website for further information. Participation in the Commencement ceremony does not necessarily imply a student has met the requirements for graduation from their academic program. Please refer to the University of Bridgeport catalog under “Academic Regulations and Procedures” for additional information.
(*) Students with 6 credits or fewer to be completed in the summer semester are welcome to participate in the May Commencement Ceremony. However, they are required to submit a participation petition, proof of a summer semester registration, and the completed Commencement Participation Form on/or before the communicated deadline.
University of Bridgeport conducts one Commencement Ceremony in May of each year for the summer, fall, and spring semesters. A graduation fee is due at the time the Commencement Participation form is submitted. This fee must be paid whether or not a student participates in the ceremony. Students participating in the Commencement Ceremony must conform to all regulations. Transcripts and diplomas will not be released until all balances due to the University are satisfied.
Internships and Cooperative Education opportunities provide students with practical experience, by taking what they are learning in the classroom and applying it in a workplace environment. Students work under a supervisor in their desired position to learn the hard skills they need for the working world. Depending on the program, internships are a required semester-long credit. For programs that do not require an internship, students are highly encouraged to take one of these opportunities, in order to gain experience and explore the field and career they are interested in pursuing.
Statistics show that over 70% of employers will offer interns a full-time position and students are 3 times more likely to be hired for a position with involvement on their resume. (NACE)
Students can meet with their Career Advisor to learn more about internships and the process of applying. Students can also visit the UB Career Development webpages to explore more resources.
Matriculated students are expected to take the courses for their degrees at University of Bridgeport. Permission to take courses at other institutions for transfer credit will be given only for valid reasons and must be approved in advance by the student’s Program Director or Dean of their School or College. Permission forms may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, from the UB Portal forms library or the website
Matriculated students may not take courses at junior or community colleges for transfer credit at the junior or senior level toward their degrees. Students must complete, at minimum, the last 30 semester hours of work toward their degree under the direct auspices of University of Bridgeport. Under exceptional circumstances, the dean of the student’s program may modify this requirement. Please refer to the University of Bridgeport catalog under “Academic Regulations and Procedures” for additional information.
The Office of Student Academic Success (OSAS) advisors serve as the primary advisors for on-campus and online undergraduate students up to 60 credits, as well as for graduate students in online programs. All other students are assigned to work with faculty advisors within their program of study. OSAS provides supplemental advising and support to any undergraduate student regardless of class year.
Student Academic Success Advisors help:
- Select courses to fill major requirements
- Determine which majors could help meet personal and professional goals
- Develop strategies for academic and personal success
- Connect with campus resources
- Foster involvement in extracurricular experiences
- And more!
The office also provides important programming designed to help students be successful during their college career at UB. These key programs include:
- Student Success Workshops
- Academic Success Program to assist students on academic probation
- Peer Mentors
- Best Practices in Academic Advising Professional Development Workshops for faculty and staff advisors
Contact us at to set up an advising session or to learn more about our ongoing projects and services.
Office location
Office of Student Academic Success
2nd Floor Wahlstrom Library - Heckman Center
126 Park Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Phone: 203-576-4546
Office hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Office of Student Academic Success is open year round to work with students. Availability for meetings cannot be guaranteed without an appointment. Students are encouraged to schedule appointments ahead of time. Meetings can occur in person or virtually through Zoom.
Revised 8/21/24